Campo Alegre Farm
Campo Alegre farm is located in the Cerrado Mineiro Region, at an altitude hanging from 900 to 990 meters and 205,9330 hectares of area. Through a 100% natural process, the coffee varieties cultivated there, are: Mundo Novo, Acaiá Cerrado, Topázio, Yellow Catuaí, Arara e Acauãma. With a high technology, we follow the most rigorous quality standards. The farm is certificated by Rainforest Alliance, Utz Certified, Certifica Minas, Nespresso, Starbucks e verificado 4C.
Total area: 205,9330
Coffee area: 126,2024
Maximum altitude: 990
Latitude, Longitude: 18º56’03.64″S / 47º00’56.51″O
Cultivated coffee varieties: Mundo Novo, Acaiá Cerrado, Topázio, Yellow Catuaí, Arara, Acauãma.
Processes: 100% Natural
Certifications: Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, Certifica Minas, Nespresso, Starbucks.
Social activities: Arca do Saber, Projeto Reciclando Atitudes.
Fazenda Campo Alegre - Patrocínio MG
Serra Negra Farm
Located in the micro region Martins, in the Cerrado Mineiro Region, Serra Negra farm has a maximum altitude of 980 meters and 78,35 hectares of area. Through a 100% natural process and following strict quality standards, the coffee varieties cultivated there, are: Rubi, Acaiá Cerrado, Red Catuaí, Topázio, Yellow Catuaí, Yellow Bourbon, Catucaí 2SL. The farm is certificated by Utz Certified, Certifica Minas, Nespresso, Starbucks.
Micro Region: Martins
Total area: 78,35
Coffee area: 52,156
Maximum altitude: 980
Latitude, Longitude: 18º48’55.78″S / 49º53’35.37″O
Cultivated varieties: Rubi, Acaiá Cerrado, Red Catuaí, Topázio, Yellow Catuaí, Yellow Bourbon, Caucaí 2SL.
Processes: 100% Natural
Certifications: UTZ, Certifica Minas, Starbucks.
Reserves: 15,67 ha
Social activities: Arca do Saber, Projeto Reciclando Atitudes.